Message from Teachers in Hong Kong

Dear parents,

Please rest assured that we will take good care of all the pupils here. They are enjoying themselves and eating very well. At night, we also conduct a few rounds of 'spot checks''. Last night, most of them were knocked out by 10pm!

Tomorrow, the pupils will be setting off for Disneyland after their breakfast and will only return after watching fireworks at night. We foresee it will be a long and tiring day. The pupils would need to pack their luggage and rest early for the night. Hence, we will only upload the photographs when we get back to Singapore.

See you at the airport on Wednesday!

GDPS teachers :) :):) :):)


  1. Glad to hear that you & the kids are having a ball of a time there with lots of learning at the same time. Looking forward to welcoming all of you back tomorrow.

  2. To the Teachers in Hong Kong,

    Firstly, I would like to say a Big Thankyou to you all for taking good care of the kids in Hong Kong, I can't express my gratitude to you all. As well as the genius who decided to create this blogsite so that we as parents do not feel totally lost not being able to communicate with our child/children for 4 days straight.I wish you all a safe trip back to Singapore and will see you all at the airport tomorrow. Enjoy the last few days in HKG!

    Farida (Syazani's Mother)
