Messages from Group 4 pupils

Dear parents, I am fine in Hong Kong. It is very fun and I think we should go again. See Mama and Papa at home!

Dear parents, today, I went to the school. It was very fun. The students were also very kind. The Victoria Peak was very cold. Parents, you do not have to worry about me!

Dear parents, I'm having a good time here. In Creative Primary School, I learnt a lot of things. At the Space Centre, there are so many interesting things. Please do not worry about me. The teachers take care of us.

Dear Mummy, I really miss you! The plane ride was really bumpy. I was going to puke but in the end I was fine. Mummy, you need not worry about me. The teachers are very nice to us and they care for us a lot. Very nice of them to do so. I enjoy going to the Science Museum the most as there were many fun things to do there. Chin Yee and I had a wonderful time.

Chin Yee:
Mummy and Daddy, I had a fun time in Hong Kong. Don't worry about me. I am fine. I have taken many pictures and had a lot of fun and learning on this trip. The students at Creative Primary School are fun and knowledgeable as well. See you soon and I want to tell you something - We are eating vegetables everyday!

The pupils in Creative Primary School are a happy family. They bring a smile to school every day and have won many medals. I'm fine and enjoying myself here. See you!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Syzani, Patrina, Stuart, Zyzann, Chin Yee & Gwyneth,
    Glad to hear that you're having a ball of a time there while learning a lot. I'm sure you'll agree that we in Greendale Primary are one big happy family too! I'm glad that you're eating lots of vegetables. Continue to do so back in S'pore!
    Looking forward to welcoming you back
