Messages from Group 5 pupils

Xin Ru:
I have lots of fun today because I befriended new friends at Creative Primary School. I missed my parents! We also went to the Science and Space Museum. We ate a lot of vegetables in the restaurants. Two more days and we will be going home!

Dear parents, I really miss you! I just want to tell you that I am fine. Please do not worry about me.

Zheng Ting:
Dear Dad and Mum, I will take care of myself. Please don't worry. I enjoyed my activities in Creative Primary School today. The activities here are fun.

Hi Mum and Dad, I have a nice day in Hong Kong. You do not need to worry about me. Miss you! I felt very excited when I was at Creative Primary School because all the Primary One pupils are so cute!

Hi Mum and Dad, in Hong Kong, I am learning and having fun. You do not need to worry about me. I miss you all! At Creative Primary School, I got to know many new friends. They were very friendly and I hope they will come to Greendale Primary School one day!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Iswandi, Khairi, Zheng Ting, Iffah & Xin Ru,
    Very glad to hear that you're having a wonderful time there while learning a lot. Great that you've made lots of new friends too. Hope you have their email adds so that you can continue to contact them back in S'pore. Looking forward to welcoming you back tomorrow.
