Messages from Group 1 pupils

Dear Mum and Dad, I'm fine. There's no need to worry. I hope both of you are okay too!

Mom, I heard that you were worried about me last night. Don't worry, I'm having a great time here!

Dear Mummy and Daddy, I miss both of you very much! I wish the both of you could be here with me! Anyway, I am enjoying the trip a lot. I love you both!

Dear Daddy and Mummy, how are you? I am fine. I enjoy the trip very much. I wish you are here though!

I had a very interesting day. We visited the Science and Space Museum today. We also went to Creative Primary School. The students there study 10 subjects! Can you imagine that? They gave me an origami of a swan! I have taken many pictures on this trip. Will show you when I'm back. I have also eaten a lot of vegetables (Mrs Yu forces us to eat them!). Will see you soon. Meanwhile, enjoy yourselves in Singapore too!


  1. no worries sayang! just enjoy yourself and have a whale of a time. take care now.

  2. Hi Aiman, Brianna, Tanya, Brigette & Brendan,
    Glad to hear that you're having a ball of a time there while learning a lot.
    Yes, Tanya! Vegetables are good for you, so you should be eating lots of them!!
    Looking forward to welcoming you back
